We've finally joined the 21st century - we now have cable and high-speed internet!!!
Ok, it's 10 years into the new century but better late than never, eh. Now I can post pictures immediately (instead of going to mom's house) we can watch Pokemon and Jag without having to check them out at the library AND we have caller ID so I know who it is before I have to answer it (I know this has been a feature for nearly 20 years but I never thought it was important enough to pay extra for... some people still wait until the baby is born to find out it's gender... Only one of our phones have this capability so don't be offended if I don't answer your call - I still just can't get to the phone in time...)
It seems strange to tell you I can now upload pictures and yet not add a picture so give me a second and I'll find one for you...
Collin thinks it's somekind of holiday and I should pick him up early from school... I wonder if he'll stay home more now or if he will still go out with his friends all day...