Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Mom & Dad!

Some of you may not know, but my parents are serving a mission down in Costa Rica. I talked to them a couple of times today but I know they were missing us (and who wouldn't??), especially on Christmas Eve when we all get together. So I promised them some pictures of the family. Thanks to Beth for letting me upload the pictures while we were celebrating at her house today. I'll have more of Christmas day tomorrow but I promised these before you went to bed tonight...
I love you guys and am excited to see you again soon.
Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve Back Home

As soon as we got home the kids started painting their presents they got at the gift exchange.

We got a surprise visit from Santa! After he left Collin said, "I forgot to ask him all my questions! But at least now we don't have to put up all the Spy ware Motion Detector Camera to catch a picture of him - we just saw him!

We got to open our Christmas Pajamas...

But the kids were more interested in wearing ours than theirs

We had another visitor - Betsy!

She brought Kelsey a Dora 'walkman' and Collin a RC robo t-rex - just what he wanted

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!

Mom & Dad tried to stay up to see Santa but we were so tired getting everything ready (about 1 am) we must have fallen asleep. Still, he must have seen our camera and taken a picture of us...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

We went back home for Christmas Eve with my family...

Each year we do a gift exchange (but since my kids are the youngest - before Carsten) they get specific presents :)

Kelsey decorated some cookies

Bradlee and Kelsey colored in her new Princess book

Kelsey was trying out her Kung fu moves on the new punching bag

All the (local) cousins.
Donavon, Micah, Bradlee, Carsten, Collin, Kelsey, Simon, Duncan, & Avarie

Touring the Christmas Lights

Every year Gemini Street goes all out to decorate...
Kelsey brought her binoculars this year to 'take pictures' of everything
Collin was less than excited (but you know he loved it...)
My favorite
Collin's favorite. The owner of the house was out this time so we were able to talk to him a bit. It turns out that 3 of the houses were sold this year - but the decorations stay with the house- not the owner... One family specifically wanted to buy the house because they wanted the decorations :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We went Christmas caroling with our neighbors...

Kelsey sang "Jingle Bells" the whole way :)

This Years Card

As my usual decisive self I couldn't decide which picture to use. So I did some of both. It's so rare that we take a family picture it's nice that we got 2 in one month!
So if you didn't get one write to me and send me your address... I may have a couple extras.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Disneyland at Last

Kelsey's first trip to Disneyland....

When Kesley saw Pluto then Mickey & Minnie walking on Main Street she just went right up to them and held their hands to walk along with them.

She was so excited to see Mickey & Minnie - not scared at all

Collin was worried about driving himself but he did a really good job steering (I had to the gas - his legs aren't long enough yet)
Kelsey loved the tea cups and just laughed when it went so fast it threw her back in her seat... Collin was a bit more cautious
We loved the tikis and the birds
We stopped to watch Mary Poppins and her gang sing & dance in front of the castle... I thought the sight of my family watching was more fun to watch :)
In the French Quarter I got my favorite Disneyland souvenir - my smashed quarters of Jack's "Nightmare Before Christmas"
We went on the new Nemo ride. They told us they use the original submarines from the 20,000 Leagues ride
Chad finally started to bribe Collin into going onto the 'scarier' rides. This one is a lot less scarier than when I was a kid - remember when you had to go up an elevator before you even got on...
They had the castle all decorated for Christmas!
Chad's mom loved to tell the story that Matt pushed his stroller out of the park... So Chad wanted to make sure I took a picture of Kelsey pushing her stroller out of the park at midnight - and this was with no nap all day long - what a trouper!

Friday, December 19, 2008

New Moves

We went with Rainey to take some family photos of her family but I still got a good one of Collin...
While Collin was waiting he was trying out some new skateboarding moves...
You might notice something is missing... All I know is that it is much safer (and easier on a mom's nerves) if he does the moves without an actual skateboard :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Whew! I'm glad that's done!

I just mailed off my Christmas cards after much trial and mishap (this really shouldn't be so hard!)
So, if you don't get yours in the next few days let me know 'cos I probably don't have your address and will need it (or it got lost in the mail and I'll, uh, have to mail it again :)
I'll post the picture in a few days but I'd hate for you to open it and say, "Oh, yeah - I already saw that" and throw it in the pile - it needs to be fresh & new - not just a blog reissue :) (yes, I'm weird, most of you know this already...)
I will warn you now though, that I did not write an end-of-the-year-sum-up letter. They're fun to read - or read between the lines... someone who has lost their job and are now homeless writes something like, "We now have much more free time than last year and our family is enjoying more time with nature in the great outdoors..."

Festival of Lights

The schools try so hard to be P.C. - Collin's more than most. So for the "Christmas" party they actually learned about several different cultures' celebrations that take place this time of year. (So instead of Christmas I guess ours would be Advent - it was pretty cool for the kids to learn more about other cultures) It's amazing to me how many of these different events have lights in their ceremonies. We celebrate the "Light of the World" coming to Earth and in some way that is represented in other other cultures as well...All the early years students got up and sang a few songs for us. As soon as Kelsey saw Collin standing up there she ran up and stood right in front of him for the whole thing (by the end she was doing the hand motions too :) They did a great job!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tree Farm

We went to the Hagel Tree Farm... for photo ops (we already have our tree)
Collin told Santa he wanted a remote control airplane (like the kind from Condor Field - maybe in 20 years :)

Kelsey told Santa she wanted a Mermaid
Kelsey liked the baby trees best
Collin spent most of his time feeding the chickens in the "petting zoo" (10 chickens, 1 escaping goat and a sick pig...)
I thought Collin's favorite thing would have been riding the horse but he told everyone that he held a chicken (he actually caught three chickens - he was so proud!)
Luckily we didn't have a Pumpkin Patch reenactment - they came prepared with a little horse and a big one so both kids were able to ride.
It's kind of cool too, 'cos they don't just go around and around - they get to ride down to the end of the lane and back.