Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Santa...

Some of you have asked what my kids want for Christmas...
Collin wrote out one already (On gold wrapping paper, no less)
He wants, in no particular order:
A Paper Airplane Book (a how-to with actual paper airplanes to make)
A Coloring Set
A Rain Forest Coloring Book

A Toucan Webkinz (I don't even know if they make them)

All kinds of Stuffed Toys of Birds: Parrots, Macaws, Hummingbirds...

A Remote Control: Triceratops, Airplane,Helicopter...

I ask Kelsey what she wants and she has one answer:


She loves Princess stuff, Tinkerbell, and dolls (she's a great little mommy)

She loved playing with Karissa's kitchen

Let's see, What else? They both wear their size, Collin a 6 & Kelsey a 2 -- I'd have to look for shoe size.

I'll have to think more about what Chad & I want... hmmmm

Collin had a theory that Santa was just me, waking up at midnight to put out toys - as if! (I denied it of course and I think he's forgotten - fie all bratty neighbor kids that put these thoughts in his head!)

He was talking to his aunt the other day and was telling her about last year and interrupted himself to say, "Can I just say that Santa is frigging awesome!"

Kelsey was talking about Santa too... "Santa is going to bring me presents! Santa is so cool!"

That's when I asked her what he was going to bring her, "Pink!"

1 comment:

Matt and Tiana said...

I love your kids. I especially love them for knowing exactly what they want and not being afraid to share!