Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Celtic Festival

We were assigned Church clean-up duty so my kids were dressed for that when we spotted the Celtic festival next door...
Kelsey loves the pony ride
Collin stayed in the petting zoo for about an hour...
He especially liked the ducks and chicks and of course wants one now... maybe if they didn't grow to be chickens - hmmm. I wonder what my neighbors would think of that one
Collin had fun talking to the 'guys' and trying out all the stuff... I'm so used to going to all the Latin American stuff with my blond little gringo it was kind of fun to go to the Celtic festival -- with names like Collin & Kelsey we actually fit right in.
K tries her hand at being a black smith
They tried out the tent, played some of the games, the bed and I think Kelsey even tried some of their stale bread before I could stop her - yuck
They met this fun, crazy, lady who taught about herbs and games from the era. She even had a couple of catapults that she would use to shoot beans at her fellow costumed workers (I'm sure they loved that - though at this point they pretty much just ignored her :)


Violet said...

Too fun!!!! I wish we could have gone to that. Oh well maybe next year.

Kevin or Colleen said...

i am so jealous... I love the Celtic things.. music, era... heck all my kids, wife and myself have celtic names...Kevin, Colleen, Dexer, Quinlan, Heath, Bailey.... i am so Irish at heart... comes from my mom.....

Love living your fun thru your postings.... Congrats on the expecting little one... just noticed it...


Kim said...

That looked like so much fun! I don't know if I could have dragged Danny to it but the kids would have had fun. :o)