Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st Day of School

See, I finally stopped procrastinating and registered Collin for public school (the day before Jason was born.) I really struggled over the decision but I think it will be fine...

Collin came home from the first day (half day) and told me, "Mom, 2nd grade is way easier than first!" Hopefully he'll keep thinking that. He does enjoy playing with his neighborhood friends though I haven't gotten up the nerve to find a ride for Collin in the morning (my main reason for switching schools was for carpool/ride opportunities) It's not so bad taking Collin except for mornings like today after Jason doesn't let me have more than an hour or two of sleep all night... (can you tell I'm a bit sleep deprived - I'm having a tough time concentrating - my mind's wandering a bit - sorry)

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