Saturday, January 10, 2009


I just got a call from Kirsten that Collin has won the next level for the Reflections art competition. He is now moving on to the State level.

He created puppets of dinosaurs and backgrounds then 'wrote' the entire thing himself (actually he ad-libbed the entire thing as we were filming) then performed it for us for family night. Chad recorded it with the camera so it's not the best recording since it was night and low light but it's still pretty impressive for a 6 yr old. If you want to see it look back to Nov 5th blog post. I think that is the original but we had to cut out the ice age animals because it was too long.

Anyway... if you are in town and would like to come to the reception and award ceremony (for the county winners) it will be at the Ventura County Schools office on Adolfo on Jan 20th at 6pm (awards at 6:30) Collin is the only one from his school moving on to the next level so it's a pretty big deal. It would be really cool to have a bunch of his friends there...

I'm really proud of how smart and talented he is (I'm his mom - it's my job to be impressed with him :)


Kents said...

Way to go, Collin! I'm so proud to know such a spunky and smart boy!

sharonhat said...

Do I get to take any credit at all, he is my nephew. Oh wait, I'm not artistic so I guess he didn't get it from me anyways. Great job Collin! California is bigger than many countrys so think of it as being the best in a country if you win!