Saturday, March 13, 2010


The cousins went to see the play Annie tonight and had a lot of fun. I have pictures to add to this post but I wanted to get the word out since my computer is slow and I don't want to wait to post since there are only 2 more weeks of performances and everyone who can needs to go see it.
Alaina & Kelsey were getting some advice from the sound guy at intermission

The cast was great and the kids had a lot of fun. The only draw back was that it doesn't start until 8 and lasted about 3 hours (Kayley & Karissa were asleep but Kelsey was dancing up the aisle at the end). It was cool too that as soon as you left the theater there were all the actors so you could say good job (I should have gotten all their autographs for fun :)
So go see Annie. It's community theater at it's finest!

(PS. Betsy, I won't tell you how it ends but it did have a happy ending, in case you were worried :)


Betsy said...

Ahhh, thanks for not spoiling the ending! I will have to try the matinee in order to capture the last hour...I am old, and I would have joined Karissa and Kayley in the sleeping if I had stayed.

anelieze castrejon said...

i saw that! it was excellent. i've seen the girl who played annie, quinn i think, in a play sarah law was in last summer. she's got pipes! and she's very cute. i'm looking forward to footloose in october!

anelieze castrejon said...

ps oh and a few of the orphans, including annie, yawned towards the end, haha! i was also surprised how late it ended.