Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My QP Doll

Whenever Collin does Jason's hair I always think he looks like a QP Doll...

Jason is getting so big and strong...

At 7 months he is rolling all over the place. He can pretty much figure out anyway to get whatever it is he wants by rolling & stretching. He's just starting to figure out to get his knees under him - so crawling won't be far off
We've started him on food - though pretty much only rice cereal and carrots at this point - but he likes it. I tend to stick to the orange foods since I think the peas smell so nasty I don't have the heart to make him eat them...
Jason still has a very sunny disposition. He is almost always happy! His brother and sister like to play with him and he loves it. Sometimes if I'm busy when he wakes up from his nap Kelsey will go up and dance for him to make him laugh :) Collin is always fighting me for him and takes him as much as he can. Collin is so proud of his little brother and is always showing him off to everyone. I had J in a bouncy seat on the door jam while Collin was taking a bath one time and Collin was telling him all about the different dinosaurs, their names and characteristics...
Jase likes to snuggle and will just lie on your shoulder... Mom's the only one lucky enough to get kisses. Every time I pick him up from his nap he gives me a hug then grabs the hair on the back of my neck, hangs on tight and starts giving me slobbery kisses (raspberries or hickeys ;)
(cute but painful :)
Jase is such a fun baby that the kids are already trying to ask for more. Now that I convinced them we weren't having any more children they've started asking to adopt...


Linnae said...

Every time I see him I can't believe how much he looks like Chad!

Debra Stevenson Hager said...

He sure is a cutie