Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kelsey's Birthday

WE had a fun pool party for Kelsey this year
and princesses - of course
I didn't do the cake for Kelsey - just added some princess to the one I bought
Even though K is now 4 I still catch myself saying she's 3 - she's getting older way too fast!

Make a wish!
I always use the relighting ones when we're outside - not to tease the birthday kid but because that's the only way they stay lit in the wind (and it gives me enough chances to get a good shoot :)
Kayla, Kelsey & Kayley admiring the gifts

Elenor and Kelsey
Cousins, Kelsey, Karissa & Kayley (no, we didn't pre-plan the aliteration, we just got lucky :)
Kelsey pretending she can't swim
Elenor, Kelsey, Karissa & Kayley
Kelsey is so lucky to have such good friends, form neighbors, church and family.
Kayley giving Kelsey and Nell rides
Collin trying to get all the water out of his hair
<] : - P

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