Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Fun

For homework Collin is basically assigned to have Family Home Evening every week (nice, eh). This weeks assignment was to go for a walk with your family and collect leaves - then write about their colors, etc.
I guess they don't know that we live where there is virtually no fall - so the leaves are all green or brown...
I was a little jealous of my sister's fall pictures that she took in the canyons that are so beautiful but I still took some fun pictures.
I love this big tree with the rocks
Kelsey & Collin had fun on our little hike. We even saw cows, goats, horses and chickens. Collin had a difficult time understanding why we couldn't just walk onto some one's farm and see all the animals (most of the farms we've been to have been the petting zoo variety) but we were able to feed the horses through the fence. I am determined to find some fall leaves somewhere and get some good pictures... just you wait!

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