Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Vote for Traditional Marriage

The closer we get to Election day next month the more heated up the debates are for the key issues this election. I admit I'm not sure how I'll vote for a high speed train through the state or rehabilitation for drug users (though I have an idea) but the main focus right now is on the definition of marriage.
The homosexuals are making this out to be discrimination against them - but what about the discrimination against polygamist?? I seem to remember recently an entire community that the country was in an uproar about because they conducted multiple marriages and marriages with minors. Did we not make a moral issue out of this? Why was that wrong, or rather, accepted to say that was wrong but if we say same-sex marriage is wrong we are small minded bigots? Sure that was an extreme case but I'm sure not all polygamist/pedophiles are bad people, many love and support their families but the law would not only say they couldn't have lawful marriages - they would be imprisoned...
Even the way the "Unbiased" description of the proposition in our voting packets are worded to imply this, talking about taking away the homosexual's right to marriage. When discussing the financial impact they only state the money the state and local governments would lose through the loss of wedding industry income tax... which we wouldn't really lose since we haven't had it up until a very short time ago... What about the amount of tax payers money going to court costs for lawsuits...
Already there have been many lawsuits against religious institutions for discrimination when a minister refuses to marry same-sex couples, religious universities for not providing married housing for same-sex couples, and religious adoption agencies for not placing children with same-sex couples.
I would love to think that common sense would prevail that a homosexual couple would not go to a Rabbi to get married, want to live at BYU and adopt a child from Catholic Social Services but we live in a world of sewers, whoops, suers, and people have found they can make some easy money and be political martyrs by doing exactly that.
Chad asked me if I would want my money I donate to the church to be spent fight court battles about a Bishop not marrying a same-sex couple. I said, "Yes!" Because I believe we should fight for our beliefs and should never have to be forced by law to go against those beliefs. Would I prefer my donations go to the poor and needy? Absolutely! Hopefully if Prop 8 passes they won't have to make that kind of choice.
When a woman decides to give up a baby for adoption it is a life changing decision to make. Knowing that baby is going to be placed in a home that has the same beliefs and standards would make that decision easier... Already in Massachusetts (the only other state where same-sex marriage is legal) the Catholic Charities has had to close due to law suits and being forced to place children in same-sex households.
This is only the tip of the iceberg for what could come of going against our beliefs and allowing a broader definition of marriage.
Am I a gay-basher? No. In fact I'm against anyone who is mean and nasty to anyone but I cannot let the fear of being called a bigot or worse stop me from standing up for what I believe.
Another side of this issue is who gets to make the laws in this country?? Eight years ago we voted and by a majority voted that we wanted to continue to have marriage defined as between a man and a woman. You would think that would decide it but because 4 judges thought they are smarter and more morally sound than the other several million of us, they voted that we were all wrong and overthrew that vote. Now, whether you are for or against same-sex marriage you have to look at that and see that that is not a good precedence to set that 4 people can make laws that millions of people voted against.

Enough soap box for one day!
My point?
Get out and vote!
And when you do, vote yes on prop 8
-- and get your friends and neighbors to also.


Cate said...

I just read my friend's blog and she puts the argument much better than I did - I tend to ramble... see her blog, with links to the site at

Violet said...

I think it was very well said Cate!!! I copied my info from a flier :).

I love your pictures in the tree. Where is it?