Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pura Vida!

We made it to Costa Rica to surprise Mom for her birthday - and she was happily surprised.
We spent the day up at Sarchi where they make ox carts, wood turning and wood carvings by hand or with the use of water-wheel powered machines - it is truely incredible. Chad loved this cocoabola I probably spelled that wrong) cart - wood alone was probably worth about $5000! It's beautiful.
Chad is pro at seeing all the wildlife - large and small. While we were eating he found these leaf-cutter ants. It's amazing watching them try to lift these huge pieces of leaf. No matter how many times it falls over they pick it up again, sometimes with the help of a passing ant, and keep going again and again...


sharonhat said...

Does this mean you are there right now? Did you tell me you were going and I forgot? That is such an awesome surprise. I can't believe I didn't think of that, or come with you!! Give Mom a hug for me. We all miss you here in AZ.

Kim said...

Fun trip!! I am glad you guys got to go!

Betsy said...

Glad to see you are having fun!
The kids are thinking about you, but doing well!
Have a great rest of your trip.
Call my cell if you can, Collin would love to hear from you, and share a few jokes.