Friday, November 7, 2008

Reading in Bed

Collin has started his schools read-a-thon. I did warn his sponsers to contribute a flat rate rather than by book or hours read...
Last night I went to check on Collin and I saw a weird glowing blanket...
The neighbor gave him a "headlight" for his birthday that he snuck into bed with a book...

What he looks like once the flash is on...
I guess I should be glad he likes reading - I just hate trying to wake him up in the morning :)

1 comment:

sharonhat said...

That reminds me of a child of mine. . .Brian! He read every night before going to bed, I mean hours. He still does. He went to take a test to sign up for English 101 since he is still in high school. The advisor saw his test results and said they were the highest scores she has ever seen in 15 years. She said he could skip 101. Of course, he said "nah, I want to hang with my friends in the class." The brains are there, just not sure about the motivation. Way to go Collin! Keep it up!