Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Plans

Since the Stevenson's don't our own blog I'll volunteer mine...
I've heard rumor that Marj is coming. And that maybe Sharon too... Rainey, will your boys be here? Can we use the house - as always? We can make room for cousins at our house too, if we need to...
Please leave your destination plans on the comments then we can figure out what we can all contribute...


Midge said...

I don't think we'll be able to come down anymore. There have been some changes at Ryans work so we aren't able to make it, but I hope you guys have a fun Thanksgiving.

Cate said...

Now that Marj has flaked (jk Marj) who's going to AZ and who is staying here??

Rainey said...

I'm here but without boys! I down for whatever you want to do. How'w that?

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to come to Camarillo so I hinted on my blog for an invite (no one took the bite) Hee hee, well Rainey did, but I had just bought a ticket for Samantha to fly home. Sorry Debbie about uninviting you. Our house is smaller now, and we already have people sleeping on the coach with Sam here. Lets plan next TG. I think we should have all the Stevenson's there (and Mom will be home to cook for us)! JK Mom.

sharonhat said...

Sorry, that last comment was from me, I didn't realize Sam was logged in.