Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boy Trip to Utah

Chad & Collin were only home for one day before they took off to Utah with Grandpa for his great-grandchild's blessing.

You would think Collin would be sick of hotel rooms by now but it seems when Mom's not there telling him not to jump on everything he has a lot more fun...

Chad & Collin stopped by to see Marj & Ike to give them gifts from Grandma in Costa Rica and to play for a bit.

Saturday night they went to a rodeo - of course Collin met all the princesses.

Collin found a horse just his size.
Cowboy Collin had fun watching all events (he even named them all when he talked to me). Even before this he would dress up as a cowboy to play with the neighbor kids but now, thanks to dad and grandpa, he has a horse and cowboy hat too.
It's been so many years since I went to BYU I probably wouldn't even recognize most of it. This is the new Smith Field house where Collin watched Chad's cousin, Kurt practise with the BYU football team.
Kurt is a back up quarterback this year - but it's only a matter of time before it will be Collin (if his dad lets him ever play football... or go to BYU...)
On the way back they drove through Zions and saw some beautiful country.
Collin likes to imagine what it was like when there were dinosaurs roaming. Near St George there's even a place where you can see dinosaur tracks in the rock.
They like to take time and feed the elk. The animals are friendly and come right up looking for food. They had a great time but it's nice to have them home.


Midge said...

You couldn't have cropped me out of that one? JK Looks like Collin has had one whirlwind summer, he will actually have alot to report to his class this year.

Midge said...

I love these blogs because now I get to see all the fun photo of what everyone did this summer. I'm jealous of all the traveling Collin got to do this summer.