Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Sad, Sad Day!

Caught in the act!
After Kelsey's nap today she let herself quietly out of her room and whispers, "I did it, Mom." What'd you do? "I got out."
The day I've been dreading has finally come - Kelsey can get out of her crib!
I'm still not exactly sure how she gets out all the way since I don't hear a "Thud!" but I was able to catch her in the act tonight - baby Houdini was performing this feat in total darkness even though it doesn't look like it because of the flash.
So I've decided to try to hang on as long as I can and just keep putting her back in every time she gets out and hope that will work otherwise it's going to make for long bedtimes and non-existent naps.


Beth said...

so sad you had a good thing that is over

Emily said...

Hi Cate!

Okay--I totally look at your blog, and never comment.

Anyway, I have two words for you:
Crib Tent.

My parenting teacher recommended this to our class, I only wish I had listened.

Best Wishes!

Cate said...

I thought of the tent - they have those to keep the family cat from climbing in and smothering your sleeping baby (Yet another reason to never have a cat - as if you need an excuse...)
So far I moved the crib (it's now in the middle of the room - quite attractive)She did get out once more - just to prove that she can. So my plan now is just to keep putting her back in everytime she gets out and it's been working for me so far...

By the way, don't you love the crib Chad made for our kids...