Monday, August 18, 2008

The Last Day of Summer

On the last day of summer we went up to Ellie's grandparents' beach house (we really just went up so Paige could give us haircuts but the rest was fun too.)

Ellie & Collin on the Rocks (Collin's "before" shot)
Ellie, Kelsey & Kayley (Collin in the background)
Kelsey & Kayley washing their feet after playing on the beach.
Collin, Kayley, Addison, Ellie, & Karissa... It's so great that the cousins all get along so great and have a lot of fun with each other. (the "after" shot)
I was so surprised when I saw the sand. Last time we were there it was the lowest I had ever seen it, most houses had a 4 foot drop after their last step. This time it was the highest I had ever seen it - about 8 feet higher than the last. There was only half a dozen steps to go down. It really made t nice to watch the kids because they were so much closer & they enjoyed it more because there was no high tide when they couldn't go down and play.

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