Thursday, June 25, 2009

Park Day

For the end of school celebration we had a family fun day at the park. I was trying to keep track of Kelsey at the play ground but still keep an eye on Collin - I noticed him over on the grass playing with about 4 girls - that's m'boy!Kelsey has a great time on the slide
Kelsey & Kayley

I can't believe another year is over. I'm really looking forward to not having to get Collin up for school every day but I know I'm going to miss having him entertained everyday... it's always a trade off. And it's weird to think that by the time he's back to school he'll have a baby brother!
What I did on my summer vacation...

1 comment:

Kevin or Colleen said...

A boy... Have you picked a name? That was the hardest for us.... is it going to be a C name or a K name... and will your sit change its name... from 3c+k to ??? :)

Have a great summer. We are looking forward to it also.. once the renovatation are completed.
