Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Time to Party!

I am so lucky to be in Young Womens right now - Emily is throwing me a party and Kim made these awesome invitations. They decided to e-mail them this time so if you didn't get one it's probably because they don't have a current e-mail. So for any of you that think you weren't invited because I didn't want you there - now you have no excuse!

Some people think they should only have a baby shower for the first baby... and that's fine but I think that after 9 months of discomfort and pain every woman deserves a party :) Plus, as many of you heard, I was all done with babies. I can't tell you how great it felt to finally give away all my baby clothes and paraphernalia! Some of my friends asked, "Are sure you want to give this away?" "Oh yeah, I am so DONE!" ... Let's just say that Chad and the kids are more persuasive than I thought... So here I am again - weeks from delivery, again - and trying to figure out what I have and don't have. And where I'm going to put it all!

So come celebrate with me. I so seldom have parties that I have to take advantage of every excuse... plus it helps the time go faster - 2 weeks to the party, then 2 weeks until the baby's due. Sometimes it seems too long - but usually it seems way too soon for all the stuff I need to do, especially when you consider how slow I am these days and how quickly I tire...

1 comment:

Tami said...

I am so sad that I can't come to your party! :( That's Ethan's birthday and we are taking him to Disneyland for the first time! I hope you have a fun time!