Monday, July 6, 2009


Kelsey took some pictures while I was scrapbooking this week...

I know I'm supposed to be nesting about now - this is just my form, I'm trying to catch up on my scrapbooking :) We used to have my parents dining room covered, wall-to-wall, with scrapbooking stuff but then took it all down. I took it all home and put it in a cabinet in the garage so when ever I wanted to scrapbook I had to lug everything out - then put it back before my kids could get into it.

Now that my parents are back from Costa Rica they donated another room, upstairs, for us. (My mom is a saint) It's so nice to have everything ready when ever I need it. I do have to pace myself a bit though. I worked with my friend for a few hours then when she left I kept going for another few hours - and couldn't walk that night, in fact every time I rolled over in bed I nearly cried... Still, it would be nice to catch up a little bit before the baby is born. Right now I'm working on Christmas 2007 (I remember when I would take pictures in the morning, develop them and scrapbook them the same day!)

I'm still months behind in printing out my pictures - another new thing for me - but I'm hopefully getting caught up, or deciding it doesn't really matter so much :) That's why I try to blog so much - to compensate for my procrastination of scrapbooking.

So, if any of you want to come to my mom's house and scrapbook with me in the next few weeks, let me know - there's room for one more.

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